Media-exhibition holding «Beautiful Houses press / World Expo Group»
Address: 29 Schepkin Street, Moscow, Russia, 129090
Phone: +7 (495) 730–5591 (multichannel)
Address for correspondence: 129085, Moscow, PO box 41
For any inquiries or questions concerning exhibits logistic and transportation please
contact our official forwarder:
Hansa-Messe-Speed GmbH, Bornberg 94, 42109 Wuppertal, Germany
Tel. +49 202 27158 0, fax +49 202 27158 56
Project Manager Eduard Altergott
tel. +49 202 27158 21, e-mail:
Department Manager Russia and CIS Zbigniew Pluta
tel. +49 202 27158 16, e-mail:
Office in Moscow Anton Vazimov
тел. +7 968 098 80 30, e-mail:
Office in Moscow Sergey Sakharov
тел. +7 906 037 06 77, e-mail:
Please pay attention that the Organizer bears no responsibility for exhibits or goods delivery to the exhibition!